With this 425$ donation on behalf of Sarah McLachlan (200$), the Canadian singer, and by Anne Gagné (225$), a variety of organic fruits and vegetables as well as organic grains and beans were purchased and distributed to the poor of Lalibela.
Grâce à ce don de 425 $ au nom de Sarah McLachlan (200 $), la chanteuse canadienne, et d’Anne Gagné (225 $), une variété de fruits et de légumes biologiques ainsi que de grains et de légumineuses biologiques ont été achetés et distribués aux pauvres de Lalibela.
በዚህ የ 425 $ ሣራ ማክሊንሌን (200 $) በመወከል ዘፋኙ እና በአኒ ጋንገን (225 $) የተለያዩ የኦርጋኒክ ፍራፍሬዎች እና አትክልቶች እንዲሁም የኦርጋኒክ እህሎች እና ባቄላዎች ተገዝተው ላሊበላ ለሚገኙ ድሆች ተሰራጭተዋል ፡፡ .
bezīhi ye 425 $ šara makilīnilēni (200 $) bemewekeli zefanyu ina be’ānī ganigeni (225 $) yeteleyayu ye’origanīki firafirēwochi ina ātikilitochi inidīhumi ye’origanīki ihilochi ina bak’ēlawochi tegezitewi lalībela lemīgenyu dihochi teserach’itewali ፡፡ .
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