Inspired by the large order of seedlings in memorial of Daisy and Abe Weinstein, the MEDAGE nursery in Lalibela donated 60 more seedlings, such as mango, papaya and guava, to be distributed to the poor farmers of Lalibela through our Plant-a-Tree Program! Here is the Thank You letter from the monastery who accumulated most of the trees for the first distribution. Love can move mountains…

Inspirée par la grande commande de plants en mémorial de Daisy et Abe Weinstein, la pépinière MEDAGE de Lalibela a fait un don de 60 autres plants, comme de la mangue, de la papaye et de la goyave, distribués aux agriculteurs pauvres de Lalibela dans le cadre de notre programme Semer-Un-Arbre! Voici la lettre de remerciement du monastère qui a accumulé la plupart des arbres pour la première distribution. L’amour peut déplacer des montagnes …

በዲይ እና በአበ Weinstein በተደረገው ትልቅ የዛፍ ችግኝ ተነሳሽነት የተነሳ በላሊበላ እንደ ማጎ ፣ ፓፓያ እና ጓዋ ያሉ 60 ተጨማሪ ችግኞችን ለታሊባ-ዛፍ ዛፍ ፕሮግራማችን ለማሰራጨት ርቀዋል ፡፡ ! ለመጀመሪያው ስርጭት አብዛኞቹን ዛፎች ያከማቹት ገዳሙ የምስጋና ደብዳቤ እነሆ። ፍቅር ተራሮችን ማንቀሳቀስ ይችላል …
bedīyi ina be’ābe Weinstein betederegewi tilik’i yezafi chiginyi tenesashineti yetenesa belalībela inide mago ፣ papaya ina gwawa yalu 60 tech’emarī chiginyochini letalība-zafi zafi pirogiramachini lemaserach’eti rik’ewali ፡፡ ! lemejemerīyawi sirich’iti ābizanyochuni zafochi yakemachuti gedamu yemisigana debidabē ineho። fik’iri terarochini manik’esak’esi yichilali …