50% Raw, Organic, Vegan if not Halal/Kosher (with Seeds) * 50% Cru, Biologique, Végétalien si pas Halal/Casher (avec graines)

Tag végane

Feeding Gaza Organic Vegan Food/ Nourrir Gaza avec la nourriture bio végétalienne

Thanks to 374$CAN in donations by Renaud Ricchi (270$), Mathieu Gagné (61$), Anthony Campolini (34$), Myriam Gagné (4$) and Amyl Belkacem (5$), organic vegan food distributions were held in Gaza on 2 separate occasions – once at the beginning of… Continue Reading →

Zakat Obtains Recognition of its Charity Status from Ethiopia/ Zakat obtient la reconnaissance de son statut de charité d’Éthiopie

Shedding Solar Light on Lalibela/ Éclairer Lalibela avec des lampes solaires

Thanks to 900$CAN worth of donations by Rudi Burgen (100$), Micky who gave me a lift from Rachelle Bery (15$), Alex Costa (220$), Erika Burke (32.80$), Renaud Ricchi (95$), Mathieu Gagné (20$), Marie Girard (37$), Martin Millette (40$), an Anonymous… Continue Reading →

Food for Pakistan/ De la nourriture pour le Pakistan

Thanks to 520$CAN worth of donations by Humaira Khurshid (70$), Zari (20$), Saba (15$), Shani (15$) and Stéphane Dubreuil (400$), over 136 bags of organic vegan produce were distributed to the Thar and Bhimper poor. Thank you to all our… Continue Reading →

Food for Gaza/ De la nourriture pour Gaza

Thanks to donations totalling 196.55$CAN, organic vegetables, namely olives, lemons, tomatoes, potatoes, parsley, chili peppers, sweet peppers and pomegranates were distributed to ten poor families in Gaza: Hamouda (2 families), Abu Sharkh (2 families), Abu Suleiman (1 family), Shatila (2… Continue Reading →

Food for the poor in Woldia/ De la nourriture pour les pauvres à Woldia

Thanks to a 900$ donation by Stephane Dubreuil, 239 poor people in Woldia were fed this past October. Among the food staples were beans, chickpeas, garlic, onions, lentils, peas, maize, cabbages, bananas, potatoes, mangos, papayas, avocados, beetroots, and spinach. Great… Continue Reading →

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