50% Raw, Organic, Vegan if not Halal/Kosher (with Seeds) * 50% Cru, Biologique, Végétalien si pas Halal/Casher (avec graines)

Tag Gaza Strip

Vegan Giving in Gaza for Eïd ul-Adha/ Un don végétalien au Gaza pour l’Eïd ul-Adha

Thank you to our vegan contact, Samar Ghaboun, in Gaza for distributing 200$ worth of organic tomatoes, potatoes, sweet and hot peppers, parsley, watercress, lemons, zucchinis, carrots, onions, garlic, grapes and figs. Assistance was distributed to 8 families: Abu Sharkh,… Continue Reading →

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for 13 Families in Gaza/ Des fruits et légumes frais pour 13 familles au Gaza

Yesterday, 200$ of donations from Mathieu Gagné were used to purchase cabbage, lemon, arugula, rice, tomato, cucumber, kiwi, melon, hot pepper and sweet pepper. The aid was distributed to 13 families and it was joy that filled the eyes of… Continue Reading →

Feeding the poor during Ramadan/ Nourrir les pauvres durant le Ramadan

Thanks to a 300$ donation to Pakistan and a 200$ donation to Gaza Strip, Palestine, made on behalf of Mathieu Gagné (275$), Aviva Sofaer (92$), Marie Kosher (7$), Mohammed El-Khatib (19$), Ira Perel (1$), François Le Monnier (15$), Louis Carmel… Continue Reading →

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