50% Raw, Organic, Vegan if not Halal/Kosher (with Seeds) * 50% Cru, Biologique, Végétalien si pas Halal/Casher (avec graines)

Tag organic vegan

200 Bags of Organic Vegan Produce Distributed for Eïd ul-Adha in Pakistan/ 200 sacs de nourriture végétalienne bio distribués pour l’Eïd ul-Adha au Pakistan

506$ in donations by and on behalf of Marie-Claude Perreault (50$), Louise Gingras (50$), Sonia Lal (50$), Kim Sabo (50$), Sonia Boulet (50$), Roger Roy (50$), Ludmilla (50$), Stella Lacoursière (50$), Humaira Khurshid (46$), Shery (40$) and Zubda (20$) culminated… Continue Reading →

Humanitarian mission in Jijiga/ Mission humanitaire à Jijiga

With a total in donations of 1125$ CAN thanks to Jeyapathmaloso Kanthasamy (30$), Archag Khatchadourian (30$) and on behalf of the man at Multicaf that offered 2 cigarettes (2.00$), woman at Multicaf that offered cookie mix (3$), man at Multicaf… Continue Reading →

112 Woldians Received Organic Seeds – Organic Vegan produce for Lalibela/ 112 Woldians ont reçu des grains bio – Distribution d’aliments végétalien bio à Lalibela

Thanks to a 900$CAN donation on behalf of Mathieu Gagné (345$), Erika Adderley (255$) and Mitchell Skovmose & family (300$), 112 poor Woldians received Organic seeds for planting and many poor Lalibelans received organic vegan produce for consumption. Here are… Continue Reading →

Organic Vegan Produce for Pakistan!/ Nourriture végétalienne Bio pour le Pakistan!

Thanks to a total donation amount of 250$ given on behalf of Hassan Kattoua (100$), Fatima Kattoua (100$) and Renaud Ricchi (50$), 70 bags of organic fruits, nuts and grains, including bananas, coconuts and oatmeal, and some vegetables, were distributed… Continue Reading →

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