Here are the Thank You letters from the St. Nakutelab monastery. A Thank You to the donors and to Zakat for the 12 spades, 12 pitchforks and Organic Vegan food donated, made by the chairman of St. Nakutelab on behalf of the poor of the Lalibela countryside. 🙂
Voici les lettres de remerciements du monastère St. Nakutelab. Un merci aux donateurs et à Zakat pour les 12 pelles, les 12 fourches de jardin et la nourriture végétalienne bio données, fait par l’administration de St. Nakutelab au nom des pauvres paysans de Lalibela. 🙂
ከቅዱስ ናኩተሎል ገዳም የተላኩ የአስተያየት ደብዳቤዎች እዚህ አሉ. ለሊመንተሮች እና ለ Zakat ለሊስሊቤ ደሀዎችን ወክለው የቅዱስ ናኩተለላ ፕሬዘደንት የተሰሩ ለ 12 ሰደቃዎች, 12 የዶክፈሮች እና የኦርጋኒክ የቪጋን ምግቦች የተሰጡ ናቸው. 🙂
kek’idusi nakuteloli gedami yetelaku ye’āsiteyayeti debidabēwochi izīhi ālu. lelīmeniterochi ina le Zakat lelīsilībē dehāwochini wekilewi yek’idusi nakutelela pirēzedeniti yeteseru le 12 sedek’awochi, 12 yedokiferochi ina ye’origanīki yevīgani migibochi yeteset’u nachewi. 🙂
Also, here are some photos of the fields of garlic, wheat and Teff planted with previous donations of organic seed by Zakat.
Aussi, voici quelques photos des champs d’ail, de blé et de Teff, semés avec des donations de grains biologiques données au part avant par Zakat.
በተጨማሪም በሳክ, በእርሻ እና በጤፍ እርሻዎች የተወሰኑ ፎቶዎች ከዚህ በፊት በ Zakat ኦርጋኒክ የዘር መሬቶች አማካኝነት ተክለዋል.
betech’emarīmi besaki, be’irisha ina bet’ēfi irishawochi yetewesenu fotowochi kezīhi befīti be Zakat origanīki yezeri merētochi āmakanyineti tekilewali.
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