50% Raw, Organic, Vegan if not Halal/Kosher (with Seeds) * 50% Cru, Biologique, Végétalien si pas Halal/Casher (avec graines)

Tag Lalibela

2024: Year of the Dragon in Review/ L’année du Dragon en révision

As we approach the end of the year of the Dragon, we can clearly say that, in retrospective, 2024 was a great year for Zakat! We raised almost 17000$ worth of donations during the year, distributed 2 EMF protection BluShield… Continue Reading →

Year of the Ox: 2021 in Review/ L’année du buffle: 2021 en révision

(Faites défiler vers le bas pour l’article en français…) What a great year! While the previous Zakat CEO spent most of 2021 fleeing from a corrupted medical system, the current Zakat CEO Sisay Demlay was busy organizing activities to feed… Continue Reading →

Shedding Solar Light on Lalibela/ Éclairer Lalibela avec des lampes solaires

Thanks to 900$CAN worth of donations by Rudi Burgen (100$), Micky who gave me a lift from Rachelle Bery (15$), Alex Costa (220$), Erika Burke (32.80$), Renaud Ricchi (95$), Mathieu Gagné (20$), Marie Girard (37$), Martin Millette (40$), an Anonymous… Continue Reading →

School Supplies for 120 Poor Students/ Fournitures scolaires pour 120 élèves pauvres

Thanks to 1095$ of donations by the following people 120 poor students, in and around Lalibela, Ethiopia, received 8 notebooks each: Sisay Demlay (195$), Vitali (5$), Helping Hand client Pierre Beaudry (5$), Helping Hand client Shorouk (45$), Helping Hand client… Continue Reading →

900 Trees Planted in Lalibela!/ 900 arbres plantés à Lalibela!

Thanks to 900$ worth of donations, 150 avocado trees, 150 mango trees, 150 papaya trees, 150 guava trees, 150 lemon trees and 150 nut trees were distributed by truck to the poor farmers of Lalibela, who planted them. This was… Continue Reading →

112 Woldians Received Organic Seeds – Organic Vegan produce for Lalibela/ 112 Woldians ont reçu des grains bio – Distribution d’aliments végétalien bio à Lalibela

Thanks to a 900$CAN donation on behalf of Mathieu Gagné (345$), Erika Adderley (255$) and Mitchell Skovmose & family (300$), 112 poor Woldians received Organic seeds for planting and many poor Lalibelans received organic vegan produce for consumption. Here are… Continue Reading →

144 poor Muslims fed during Ramadan in Woldia/ 144 pauvres Musulmans nourris durant le Ramadan à Woldia

Thanks to a 1500$ donation made on behalf of Mathieu Gagné (1000$), Hassan Kattoua (50$), Fatima Kattoua (10$), Mano Gav (40$) for the bike, Izzy (50$) for the gift card, and Randy Humphries (350$), 144 poor Muslims in Woldia, Ethiopia… Continue Reading →

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