It is where the poor of the poor live – even by the standards of people who make 1$/day. Predominately muslim; it is Debrebrhan, Ethiopia. And, thanks to a 500$ donation made by Sabrina Anne Gagné, 107 people were touched… Continue Reading →
2022 was not the best year for Zakat. While much moral support was offered to our overseas operations, the financial support was significantly lower than in previous years. Nonetheless $4147.88 CAN in charitable outreach was provided: $193.08 webpage outreach, $902.88… Continue Reading →
(Faites défiler vers le bas pour l’article en français…) What a great year! While the previous Zakat CEO spent most of 2021 fleeing from a corrupted medical system, the current Zakat CEO Sisay Demlay was busy organizing activities to feed… Continue Reading →
You may or may not know this, but war has broken out in Ethiopia and famine has ensued… Recently our very own CEO, Sisay Demlay Gessese got away from Tigray soldiers after they looted Lalibela farmers of their life-savings and… Continue Reading →
Did you know that Gaza has no army, no navy and no airforce? And that the Palestinian currency may be the only currency in the world with no images on it, unlike the Israeli shilling which has an image of… Continue Reading →
Thanks to $358.63 of donations by El-Amine Belkacem (200$), Martine Millette (150$) and Myriam Gagné (8.63$), humanitarian aid helped 13 poor families last June. Those families were: Abu Sharekh (2), Shatila (2), Matar (2), Al-Esawy (2), Hamada (1), Sha’at (2),… Continue Reading →
Thanks to 374$CAN in donations by Renaud Ricchi (270$), Mathieu Gagné (61$), Anthony Campolini (34$), Myriam Gagné (4$) and Amyl Belkacem (5$), organic vegan food distributions were held in Gaza on 2 separate occasions – once at the beginning of… Continue Reading →
Thanks to 400$CAN of donations by Humaira Khurshid (73$), Robert from outside Rachelle-Bery TMR (15$), Renaud Ricchi (170$), Nancy Lefebvre (15$), Martin Millette (100$) and by those people from whom I recently requested directions, the date or time (27$), 87… Continue Reading →
Thanks to 900$CAN worth of donations by Rudi Burgen (100$), Micky who gave me a lift from Rachelle Bery (15$), Alex Costa (220$), Erika Burke (32.80$), Renaud Ricchi (95$), Mathieu Gagné (20$), Marie Girard (37$), Martin Millette (40$), an Anonymous… Continue Reading →
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