Thanks to 700$ worth of donations made on behalf of Dennis Bassinette (140$), by Mathieu Gagné (200$) and by Anne Gagné (360$), the purchase and distribution of organic seeds for this year’s planting season, in Lalibela, has been made possible. Wheat, barley, onions, garlic, potatoes, lentils, oats, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, Teff, and sorghum are some of the organic seeds that were distributed for planting. You can read the thank you letter for yourself – an english version has been made available 🙂 !
Grâce aux dons, valant 700$, faits au nom de Dennis Bassinette (140 $), par Mathieu Gagné (200 $) et par Anne Gagné (360 $), l’achat et la distribution de semences biologiques pour la saison de semis de cette année, à Lalibela, a été rendu possible. Le blé, l’orge, les oignons, l’ail, les pommes de terre, les lentilles, l’avoine, les graines de tournesol, les pois chiches, le teff et le sorgho sont quelques-unes des graines biologiques distribuées pour la plantation.
በ $700 በ Dennis Bassinette ($140), በ Mathieu Gagné ($200) እና በ Anne Gagné ($360) ወስጥ ለገቢው የኦርጋኒክ ዝርያ ግዢ እና ማከፋፈያነት በዚህ ላሊበላ, እንዲቻል ተደርጓል. ስንዴ, ገብስ, ሽንኩርት, ነጭ ሽንኩርት, ድንች, ምስር, ጣፋጭ ዘሮች, የሾም ፍሬዎች, ሽምብራዎች, ጤፍ እና ማሽላ ለመትከል የሚሰራጩ ኦርጋኒክ ዘር ናቸው. የምስጋና ደብዳቤዎን ለራስዎ ማንበብ ይችላሉ 🙂 !
be $700 be Dennis Bassinette ($140), be Mathieu Gagné ($200) ina be Anne Gagné ($360) wesit’i legebīwi ye’origanīki ziriya gizhī ina makefafeyaneti bezīhi lalībela, inidīchali tederigwali. sinidē, gebisi, shinikuriti, nech’i shinikuriti, dinichi, misiri, t’afach’i zerochi, yeshomi firēwochi, shimibirawochi, t’ēfi ina mashila lemetikeli yemīserach’u origanīki zeri nachewi. yemisigana debidabēwoni lerasiwo manibebi yichilalu !
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