This represents a 700$ donation as part of our ‘Plant A Tree’ Program, which encourages the planting of fruit and nut trees. The donation for these Organic trees was made on behalf of Daisy and Abe Weinstein (300$), may they rest in peace, and on behalf of Mathieu Gagné (200$) and by Anne Gagné (200$). 60 mango trees, 50 papaya trees, 40 guava trees, 50 apple trees, 60 avocado trees, 50 orange trees, and 40 lemon trees were distributed by tuk tuk. The donation reached 175 poor farmers, who were each allowed to take 2 seedlings. The remaining part of the donation went towards ensuring delivery of 2 solar panels to poor farmers in the region.

Cela représente un don de 700 $ dans le cadre de notre programme ‘Semer un Arbre’, qui encourage la plantation d’arbres fruitiers et de noyers. Le don pour ces semences biologiques a été fait au nom de Daisy et Abe Weinstein (300$), qu’ils reposent en paix, au nom de Mathieu Gagné (200$) et par Anne Gagné (200$). 60 manguiers, 50 papayers, 40 goyaviers, 50 pommiers, 60 avocatiers, 50 orangers et 40 citronniers ont été distribués par tuk tuk. Le don a bénéficié à 175 agriculteurs pauvres, qui ont chacun été autorisés à prendre 2 plants. La partie restante de la donation a été consacrée à la livraison de 2 panneaux solaires aux agriculteurs pauvres de la région.

ይህ የፍራፍሬ እና የዛፍ ዛፎችን መትከል የሚያበረታታ የ ‹ተክል ዛፍ› ፕሮግራማችን አካል የሆነውን 700 $ ልገሳን ይወክላል ፡፡ የእነዚህ ኦርጋኒክ ዛፎች መዋጮ የተደረገው በዲይ እና በአበ Weinstein (300 $) ነው ፣ በሰላም ማረፍ እና ማቲዬ ጋጋን (200 $) እና በአኒ ጋንገን (200 $) ወክለው። 60 የማንጎ ዛፎች ፣ 50 ፓፓያ ዛፎች ፣ 40 የጉዋቫ ዛፎች ፣ 50 አፕል ዛፎች ፣ 60 አvocካዶ ዛፎች ፣ 50 ብርቱካናማ ዛፎች እና 40 የሎሚ ዛፎች በዱኩ ተሰራጭተዋል ፡፡ ልገሳው 175 ድሆች አርሶ አደሮች የደረሱ ሲሆን እያንዳንዳቸው 2 ችግኞችን እንዲወስዱ ተፈቀደላቸው ፡፡ የተቀረው የልገሳው ክፍል በክልሉ ውስጥ ላሉት ደካማ ገበሬዎች 2 የፀሐይ ፓነል ፓነል ማድረሱን ማረጋገጥ ተችሏል ፡፡
yihi yefirafirē ina yezafi zafochini metikeli yemīyaberetata ye ‹tekili zafi› pirogiramachini ākali yehonewini 700 $ ligesani yiwekilali ፡፡ ye’inezīhi origanīki zafochi mewach’o yetederegewi bedīyi ina be’ābe Weinstein (300 $) newi ፣ beselami marefi ina matīyē gagani (200 $) ina be’ānī ganigeni (200 $) wekilewi። 60 yemanigo zafochi ፣ 50 papaya zafochi ፣ 40 yeguwava zafochi ፣ 50 āpili zafochi ፣ 60 āvockado zafochi ፣ 50 biritukanama zafochi ina 40 yelomī zafochi beduku teserach’itewali ፡፡ ligesawi 175 dihochi āriso āderochi yederesu sīhoni iyanidanidachewi 2 chiginyochini inidīwesidu tefek’edelachewi ፡፡ yetek’erewi yeligesawi kifili bekililu wisit’i laluti dekama geberēwochi 2 yet͟s’eḥāyi paneli paneli madiresuni maregaget’i techilwali ፡፡