Thanks to 900$ worth of donations made by Helping Hand client Nikhil (40$), Helping Hand client Tanzila (40$), Helping Hand client Shorouk (60$) and on behalf of the extraordinary guide, Josselin Beaulieu (760$), 209 poor muslims in Woldia, Ethiopia were able to receive organic mangoes, papayas, avocados, bananas, garlic, onions, beets, guavas, carrots, cabbage, spinach, lentils, beans and potatoes this past Eïd. To donate to our next mission, click here.

Grâce à 900 $ de dons faits par le client Helping Hand Nikhil (40$), la cliente Helping Hand Tanzila (40$), la cliente Helping Hand Shorouk (60$) et au nom de Josselin Beaulieu (760$), guide extraordinaire, 209 musulmans pauvres en Woldia, Éthiopie ont pu recevoir des mangues, papayes, avocats, bananes, ail, oignons, betteraves, goyaves, carottes, choux, épinards, lentilles, haricots et pommes de terre bios ce dernier Eïd. Pour faire un don à notre prochaine mission, cliquez ici.
A big Thank You to all our donors! Un gros Merci à tous nos donateurs!
And Thank You, Sisay, for all your hard work! Et Merci, Sisay, pour tout votre beau travail!
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